Free access to information
"Wastewater" d.o.o. Budva is obliged to create, publish on its website and regularly update a guide for access to information, in accordance with Article 11 of the Law on Free Access to Information.
A written request for access to information is submitted to the Company directly at the archive, by mail to the address: Omladinskih brigada bb - Bečići or electronically to the e-mail:
1. The persons responsible for conducting the procedure for the request for access to information are:
- Svetlana Dragović, head of the department for general and legal affairs
- Ana Đerić, expert associate for general and legal affairs
2. Person for decision-making:
- Radulović Milivoje, executive director
Spisak Zaposlenih
Plan Integriteta 2024
Završni račun 2022.
Izveštaj o radu za 2022
Miroslav Rončević slobodan pristup informacijama
Rješenje Mans mart 2023
Rješenje Mans februar 2023
Plan integriteta
Rješenje slobodan pristup MANS
Rješenje-Ivan Abramović
Law on Free Access to Information
Cost sheet (Regulation on reimbursement of costs in the procedure for access to information)
List of public officials
Employee list
Final calculation 2021
Final calculation 2020
Information access guide
Integrity plan - Waste water Budva
SPI form